Running C in Java with JNA

It is very easy to run your native library in Java by using JNA(Java Native Access). Some terminal commands then it is done.

I will show you how to print pointer which java doesn’t have. Do all these, in the same folder.


First we need to write c code that prints pointer of given integer. Create a file named CSource.c

#include <stdio.h>
void printPointOf(int n) {

gcc -o libcsourc.dylib -shared cSource.c (if your os is Windows change .dylib to .dll)


Before do anything, download jna library from github, copy src/com folder to your workdir (folder that contains library and files you just created). Also copy dist/jna.jar to your workdir.

Then create a file named

import com.sun.jna.Library;
import com.sun.jna.Native;

public class Example {
    public interface CSource extends Library {
        public void printPointOf(int n);
    static public void main(String argv[]) {
        CSource cSrc = (CSource) Native.loadLibrary("csource", CSource.class);
        int n = 1;

Compile and Run

to compline your java file

javac -classpath jna.jar this produces .class file.

to run your class file

java -classpath jna.jar:. Example